Section 1: Before You Begin

Please take a moment to review the Hillman Photography Initiative's Terms of Use. Note that we require account holders to be 18 years or older. As an educator creating an account for your students, it is up to you and your school to determine how you wish to use the site, and the account holder is responsible for checking your school’s privacy policies before posting specific information about the students along with their responses.

In making your account, please note:

  • Only one account may be made using a specific email address.
  • Passwords must be 8 characters long. 

Section 2: Getting Started

To create an account using an existing email address, visit

Once you have signed up with an email and password, you will be directed back to the homepage. To edit your account, look in the top right-hand corner to find and click on "Anonymous User" next to "Settings" and "Log Out."

This will lead to a new page that features your profile and a generic user's avatar. Find and click the button underneath that image that reads "Edit Account."

Section 3: Customize

We ask that as an educator you create an account name following our naming convention below and use the "bio" section for any additional information regarding your class(es).

For the name section, please use the following naming convention:

  • School name – Teacher name (Example: York High School – Ms. Gomez)

The rest of the page is optional and explained in more detail below.

  • The ‘Bio’ section is an optional space to write a little bit about the class or classes that will be using, viewing, or submitting content through this account. (Example: Ms. Gomez’s 9th and 10th grade English classes at York High School.)
  • After the bio section, you will find an optional link to upload an image for your ‘Avatar’ or profile picture, if you choose to do so.
  • Directly beneath that is a “password section” which you should only use if you wish to change your password.