The death of Fabienne Cherisma, from the series Haiti, 2010, © Nathan Weber/NBW Photo.
This is a response by Groana Melendez to January 2015

My automatic answer is that photography crosses the line from documentation to exploitation when fame and money are its objectives. I see all these photographers as going after “the” award winning shot. Did they all need to take the “same” image, in the same moment? Aside from the fact that none of them are stepping in to help, the way they are crowding over each other for an image, seems disrespectful to the dead. What was it that they were all after?

Then my mind wanders to Nathan Weber. He’s like a magician revealing his tricks. Is it a comment on working in conflict zones? Is it meant as a message for his peers? Is it a warning? It seems like nothing new for the people there, and it’s definitely nothing new in the world of photography. Maybe this is just Weber is just giving a face to what their job is really like.