Marilyn Monroe during the filming of The Misfits, 1960 © Eve Arnold/Magnum Photos
This is a response by Nathanael Morrison to May 2014

For me this image is really about the mirror she is holding. The mirror serves as a wall of sorts between the two.On the one side is Marilyn, a celebrity and member of a privileged class of people who are admired for their beauty and "work". On the other side is one of the many people who keep her celebrity going. The mirror in her hand is very much like the reflecting pool Narcissus peered into that ultimately contributed to his destruction. For Marilyn the mirror, and her beauty, led to her isolation from the real world and ultimately to her downfall. On the other side of the mirror however stands a "regular person", not instantly recognized the world over, but free to move about town without being hounded or cajoled for autographs or to have her picture taken. The fact that this "regular person" is holding a camera only adds to the irony of the image.