This photograph is Charles and Edna Simeral, my great grandparents. Grandma grew up on the South Side and Grandpa served in World War I and World War II. Grandpa and his brother both asked Grandma to marry them. She had a big decision to make. She said yes to Grandpa because she decided to marry the fat boy. She thought he was the one who needed the love. My great grandparents bought a house in McKeesport and were married for life. Grandpa would tell us war stories about Snoopy and the Red Baron, I'm sure it wasn't the truth of what he really experienced. He had many health problems because he had been exposed to Mustard Gas while serving in the Army and he suffered with nightmares. He made the best pancakes for all of us grandchildren. His pancakes and stories leave me with the fondest memories. After he passed away, Grandma would tell us she knew he came to visit her. She would hear him playing cards like he used to when he couldn't sleep. Grandma passed away at the age of 94.