Matthew, 1965 © Kenneth Josephson.
This is a response by Brent Yingling to October 2014

I think we're all drawn to something about children, I believe it's the simplicity of who they are that we long for. They take us back to days that most of us can't quite remember but we know life then wasnt "complicated", it mattered if we were sad or happy and the solution was to become happy again. We get older and caught up in our own interest, and the rat race to the top that we forget things are simple, the world is complex, we just choose to allow our problems to also become complex, and thus we see complex solutions, while they're quite simple. There is choices and we just have to make them, the blue pill or the red, there is bad events and circumstances however only we can allow bad thoughts and negativity into our minds. The choice is easy, lets be children in the world that is so wildly fighting to make us each others enemies, lets remember that we alone choose our happiness as well as our sadness. As long as we remember this, it's us who chooses whether we're happy like the child or if we allow our minds to become worried with that which it shouldn't be. The child stays in the present truly experiencing the world while hoping to make it a happier one for themselves and others. I ask at what age and why does life become more than being kind to one another while hoping/striving for prosperity for all?